Hilary Jacobs Hendel is a psychotherapist who switched from practicing traditional talk psychotherapy to accelerated
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In This Interview, Hilary Jacobs Hendel and I Discuss…
- Her new book, It’s Not Always Depression: Working The Change Triangle to Listen to the Body, Discover Core Emotions, and Connect to your Authentic Self
- The 7 C’s of our authentic self
- The science and biology of emotions
- The change triangle
- The Core Emotions: Fear, Anger, Sadness, Disgust, Joy, Excitement and Sexual Excitement
- The 3 Inhibitory Emotions: Anxiety, Guilt, and Shame
- How core emotions have energy and want to come up and out- to be expressed
- Inhibitory emotions dampening our core emotions
- The difference between defenses and inhibitory emotions
- How to work The Change Triangle
- Trauma vs trauma
- The power of naming your emotions
- Our open-hearted state
- When our emotions overwhelm us, it can be helpful to have someone else process them
- Grounding and breathing
- The role of core emotions is to ready us for action so they are first physical sensations, traveling from the brain down the
vegus nerve - All core emotions have impulses associated with them
- How harmful self-criticism and self-judgment can be
- Relating to ourselves as a small child
- Healthy shame vs toxic shame