In this episode, Andrea Lieberstein explores what it means to have a well nourished life and learning to eat and live mindfully. Discover the transformative power in healing our relationship with food and learn to understand the difference between emotional and physical hunger. Andrea shares practical strategies to reduce emotional eating and foster a healthier approach to nourishment and also explains various triggers and patterns that contribute to unhealthy eating habits.
In this episode, you’ll be able to:
- Embrace mindful eating for a healthier relationship with food
- Discover the power of self-compassion to tackle the challenges of emotional eating
- Cultivate awareness and mindfulness for a more fulfilling life
- Learn to develop a balanced and positive connection with food
- Explore creative outlets for overall holistic well-being
Andrea Lieberstein is the Founder and Director of the Mindful Eating Training Institute and bestselling author of the book, “Well Nourished”. She is a mindful eating expert, certified ecotherapist, certified mindfulness meditation teacher, internationally recognized teacher trainer, mindfulness-based dietitian nutritionist, dedicated Dharma Practitioner. In her private practice, Andrea works with individuals to have more peace, balance and joy in their relationship with food, nutrition, body-image, and stress-related issues and health concerns or whom simply want to bring their lives back into balance and vibrancy through mindful eating and living.
Connect with Andrea Lieberstein: Website | Facebook
If you enjoyed this conversation with Andrea Lieberstein check out these other episodes:
How to Manage Emotional Eating with Julie Simon
Emotional Agility with Susan David
Mindful Eating with Andrea Lieberstein (Interview form 2017)
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sue ellen says
Thank you for this podcast subject ! It came at just the right time!
I had lost 60 lbs and was maintaining it for a year, then I started to slip within the past few months into some bad habits and I have to admit I was very disappointed with myself as I had come so far.
I live with chronic pain, (psoriatic arthritis) and I finally came to realize a few years back that although I cannot cure my chronic illness that causes most of the pain, being overweight and not eating healthy makes the effects worse.
Long story short, I overate and( have done lately) because I hurt, and am frustrated for having to push through normal every day living, and it was something that felt good, BUT only for the moment.
I had thought to this day, that I dealt with the issues of overeating, or of choosing the wrong foods that recently over the past few months caused me to gain back 10 lbs! It is slowly coming off, but I need to deal with those underlying feelings once and for all. It is hard to constantly push through pain that is always there to some degree, but overeating is not the answer.
I cannot wait to read your book and assess these issues so I can get back to that weight in which I felt the best, and know I am doing all I can to live the best life that I can. 🙂