In This Episode, Eric and Tim Pychyl Discuss How to Overcome Procrastination and…
Key Concepts:
1. What is the connection between procrastination and health?
2. How can we use implementation intentions to deal with self regulation failure?
3. What is the importance of not wasting our lives with procrastination?
“It is in the getting on with life that makes our lives and that procrastination, in a very real sense, is an existential issue of not getting on with life itself.” – Tim Pychyl
Tim Pychyl is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Carlton University and the host of the podcast, “I Procrastinate”. His latest book is Solving the Procrastination Puzzle: A Concise Guide to Strategies for Change
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If you enjoyed this conversation with Timothy Pychyl, please check out these other episodes:
David Kadavy on Getting Started
Tim Urban – Wait but Why – Part 1 and Part 2
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