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So many of us are feeling angry for a myriad of reasons amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. To help us better understand and work with our anger, Eric reached out to several previous guests of the show to ask them if they would be willing to talk with him for a special edition of The One You Feed Podcast about anger. They all generously agreed at a moment’s notice and this episode featuring 4 “mini-interviews” is the result. These are all new conversations with previous guests, Rick Hanson, Hilary Jacobs Hendel, Ruth King, and David Richo.
In This Episode, We discuss How to Work with Anger and…
- That anger is a natural and normal response
- Utilizing anger rather than letting anger utilize us
- How anger can feel good in the moment but it corrodes over time
- Finding peace when confronted with the truth of uncertainty
- Mindfully noticing and naming our anger
- Anger being triggered by perceived danger and it readies us for a fight
- The danger of blocking our anger
- That we feel anger as energy that wants to get out
- Using fantasy to release the energy of anger
- When calm, making a list of “state-changers” for yourself
- Noticing our coping strategies in the face of things we can’t control
- The critical choice of what to do with the energy of anger
- Being informed by our anger instead of reacting out of it
- Channeling the energy in constructive ways rather than damaging ways
- Getting curious about what the anger is trying to tell us – rather than focusing on what it’s saying about other people
- Getting fiercely clear about rather than ablaze in the fire of our anger
- When we’re in the anger, we lose touch with how it’s impacting our bodies
- Setting the intention of doing no harm
- That fear is often underneath anger
- Not acting out of anger because it can be abusive
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