Lama Rod Owens, a renowned Buddhist teacher and author, shares his journey of self-discovery and the importance of finding the balance between struggle and growth in our lives. As he delved into the ancient wisdom of Buddhism, he realized that the love and care he cultivated for himself was the foundation for his ability to share that love with others. Lama Rod’s teachings remind us that true change begins with individual work and self-awareness, which then ripples out to positively impact our relationships and communities.
In this episode, you will be able to:
- Discover the hidden benefits of struggle and how it can enhance personal growth
- Find out how to balance contracting and expansive activities to ensure a well-rounded and fulfilling lifestyle
- Uncover the secrets to pursuing meaningful work that aligns with your passions and values
- Learn practical self-care strategies to prioritize your well-being and maintain balance in your daily life
- Explore the transformative power of struggle and how it can lead to personal growth and positive change
Lama Rod Owens is a Black Buddhist Southern Queen. An international influencer with a Master of Divinity degree in Buddhist Studies from Harvard Divinity School. Author of Love and Rage: The Path of Liberation through Anger and co-author of Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love and Liberation, his teachings center on freedom, self-expression, and radical self-care. A leading voice in a new generation of Buddhist teachers with over 11 years of experience, Lama Rod activates the intersections of his identity to create a platform that’s very natural, engaging, and inclusive. Applauded for his mastery in balancing weighty topics with a sense of lightness, the Queen has been featured by various national and international news outlets. Highly sought after for talks, retreats, and workshops, his mission is showing you how to heal and free yourself. His new book is The New Saints: From Broken Hearts to Spiritual Warriors.
If you enjoyed this conversation with Lama Rod Owens, check out these other episodes:
Enlightenment by Trial and Error with Jay Michaelson
What We Can Learn from the Wisdom of Harriet Tubman with Spring Washam
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Giovanni Mazzarella says
“Right” to the power of 80+. Distracting, personally.