Omid Safi is one of the leading American public intellectuals. He’s a professor of religious studies at Duke University and for the last seven years, he’s led the Study of Islam section at the American Academy of Religion. His new book is called, Radical Love: Teachings from the Islamic Mystical Tradition. There are so many teachings in this interview about what it means and how to know and experience God and healing. Through poetry we receive wisdom and it is transformational. That’a what you’ll get from this episode – as well as a dose of beauty that will touch your soul.
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In This Interview, Omid Safi and I Discuss…
• His book, Radical Love: Teachings from the Islamic Mystical Tradition
• Love and Justice being so tied together in the Islamic Tradition
• How do we live a life that makes beauty real?
• How do we make “love” something we do towards one another?
• Healing of the world that is also involved in a spiritual transformation
• How he translated the poetry in his book by going back to the words of Mohammad
• Rumi
• Hafez
• The path of love is made up of seekers who are in it for God’s own heart
• How we have to love God’s own people (those around us)
• The connection between knowing God and knowing ourselves
• The false idea of something for nothing in new age spirituality
• God when you’re deep in the valley as well as when you’re on the mountain top
• The question, “Tell me what I need to do to be transformed?”
• How Ritual, Transformation, Sacrifice, and Community are needed in a religion/spirituality
• How only God has the right to say “I”
• The cycles of our spiritual life
• Seeing God wherever we don’t see ourselves
• A valuable spiritual path teaches you how to navigate your own suffering
• People whose heart breaks vs people whose heart breaks open
• Sitting with people who are suffering
• That you own nothing and nothing owns you
• Sticking with your friends through difficult times
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