Enrollment for Spiritual Habits is now open for the annual Spiritual Habits Group Program! In this 8-week non-religious mentorship and accountability experience, you’ll discover a deeper and more meaningful way to live and experience daily life. Enrollment closes on March 13th and we get started on March 19th. Click here to learn all about it!
In this special episode, Eric is interviewed by Ginny Gay where they discuss how he overcame his addiction by bringing certain core spiritual principles to the center of his life. Eric dives deep into these principles and shares how practicing them every day has led to a more meaningful and fulfilled life.
In This Episode, We Discuss How Live a Spiritual Practice Centered Life. You’ll learn:
- Eric shares his story of his lowest points of addiction that led him to recovery
- How shame is usually at the center of the addiction cycle
- Why a fundamental aspect of AA is finding meaning in helping others
- How one can define spirituality as connecting to what matters most to you in your life
- Defining and practicing some of the core principles to live a good life
- The challenges of being present and how we relate to our thoughts about the present moment
- Why finding the “middle way” and avoiding extremes can be so helpful
- Why it’s so important to go beyond thinking and start taking action is what brings forth real meaningful results
- Understanding deeply that difficult feelings come with being human
- How we don’t find meaning, but rather make meaning in life
Eric Zimmer is a behavior coach, Interfaith Spiritual Director, host of the award-winning podcast The One You Feed, and writer. He is endlessly inspired by the quest for a greater understanding of how our minds work and how to intentionally create the lives we want to live. At the age of 24, Eric was homeless, addicted to heroin, and facing long jail sentences. In the years since he has found a way to recover from addiction and build a life in which he thrives. His story and his work have been featured in the media including TedX, Mind Body Green, Elephant Journal, the BBC, and Brain Pickings.
Connect with Eric Zimmer: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
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If you enjoyed this conversation with Eric Zimmer, check out these other episodes:
How to Free Yourself From the Inner Critic with Ginny Gay
The Obstacles That Get in Our Way: Knowing vs. Doing
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Jane says
First off I love your show and I’m also in recovery but I’m still in a 12 step fellowship. Sometimes fellowship is a little secular but your podcasts and others adds depth to my recovery and my spiritual practice. Thank you.
I’m not sure if you’ve perhaps spelled principles incorrectly? This could be American English vs English spelling ? I’m Scottish and I would not spell it principal as this word has a different meaning. I would say spiritual principles.
Keep up this great work and thank you 😊
A Seeker in Philly says
I have been listening to your podcast for about 7 years, and this is one of the best things I have heard (of a great many, great things). I am newly in recovery and realizing that both connection with something greater than myself and variety of consistent support are elements I have lacked when trying for sobriety in the past. Eric, what you do, say, and live really matters to so many of us who listen. Thank you both.